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Consumer Tips: Steering Clear of Animal Collisions

A collision with a deer or other animal can put a serious dent in your vehicle, if not destroy it completely.

According to the Insurance Information Institute, animals, primarily deer, are involved in more than a million collisions a year with vehicles, resulting in about 200 human fatalities.

 Although deer and other animals are unpredictable, and you never know when one might dash in front of your vehicle, there are actions you can take to help prevent an accident or reduce the damage from an animal collision.

Keep your eyes moving back and forth. Continuously sweep your eyes across the road in front of you for signs of animals and movement. Animals may also be alongside the road, so make sure to look to the right and left, as well. While the most likely accident is you hitting an animal, on occasion they might also hit you by running into the side of your car.

Be especially attentive in early morning and evening hours. Many animals, especially deer, are most active from 5-8 a.m. and 5-8 p.m. – prime commuting times for many people.

Use high beams when there’s no oncoming traffic. You can spot animals sooner. Sometimes the light reflecting off their eyes will reveal their location.

Slow down, and watch for other deer to appear. Deer rarely travel alone, so if you see one, there are likely to be more nearby.

Slow down around curves. It’s harder to spot animals down the road when going around curves.

One long blast. A long blast on your horn may frighten animals away from your vehicle.

Use brakes if an impact is imminent. Don’t swerve. Instead, stay in your lane. Swerving away from animals can confuse them so they don’t know which way to run. It can also put you in the path of oncoming vehicles or cause you to crash into something like a lamppost or a tree.

Always wear a seatbelt. The chances of getting injured when hitting an animal are much higher if you don’t have your seatbelt on. Also never drive drunk, distracted or drowsy.

Don’t go near a wounded animal. A wounded animal can be unpredictable and cause injury. If it’s in the middle of the road and blocking traffic, call the police immediately.

Consider purchasing comprehensive insurance, if you don’t already have it. Comprehensive insurance is the type of insurance that covers animal strikes. For more information on auto, homeowners and other personal lines of insurance, contact your local AAA office or visit AAA online.

Animal Collision Fast Facts

  • October, November and December are the worst months for animal collisions.
  • November is especially dangerous, since it is the height of the deer mating season.
  • As the days get shorter, drivers are more likely to be on the road at dawn and dusk, which are times of high animal activity.
  • Animals may be more difficult to see as it gets darker earlier.