Crowded roads and traffic jams can make your blood pressure rise, but it’s important to stay calm behind the wheel. Aggressive driving, such as speeding, tailgating or cutting others off, increases your chances of a crash.
Extreme cases of aggressive driving can escalate into road rage: throwing objects, rude gestures or forcing drivers off the road. Aggressive driving can be a traffic violation, and in some states, road rage can be a criminal offense.
A 2016 report from the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety found that 78 percent of U.S. drivers reported engaging in at least one aggressive driving behavior in the past year. The most common aggressive behaviors were tailgating and yelling at other drivers. A small proportion of drivers also admitted to exiting their vehicles to confront other drivers, and bumping or ramming into other vehicles on purpose.
There are ways to help diffuse conflict on the road, keeping everyone safer:
For more information, talk to a AAA Insurance agent or visit your local branch office.